Sunday 30 March 2008

I dreamt I got on a coach to go on a trip to New York. I got off the coach almost straight away though, and decided against it. Ross Kemp dragged me into a room and interrogated me as to why I'd got off the bus, he asked if I knew it was going to crash. I told him I knew nothing about it, but he told me that I worked for him and the government now.
Then me and Ross Kemp saw this coach crash under a bridge. We got on and apparently we had to get my mate Pete's body out so it looked like he wasn't there. Pete was still alive but it looked like everyone else was dead. As we were getting him out, I noticed a girl wake up. Ross Kemp told me I had to kill her and gave me a gun. THEN EVERYONE WOKE UP!
I started shooting people but the bullets weren't coming out that often, it was really difficult. Then some posh guy just got off the coach and met his friends in a pub next to it. Ross Kemp went after him and I decided to leg it and get the London underground back home.

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